Our Services

Buying or selling a business?
If you are buying a business or selling your business, rely on Berriman Law & Advisory to help you maximise the value of the business in your hands with:
For buyers, use of the right vehicle (like starting a business)
Preparation for and management of the due diligence process (including management of the seller’s virtual data room)
Negotiation strategy and tactics
Project Management of the process and the team of other contributors (e.g. accounting and tax)
Drafting or review and negotiation of all sale and purchase documentation
Advice on and management of pre completion, completion and post completion requirements
Management of employment transfers and transferring instruments
For buyers, advice on retaining key people, integration and extraction of synergies

Staffing follows structure follows strategy. Rely on Berriman Law & Advisory to prepare your organisation to effectively and lawfully manage your employment relationships, motivate and retain people and optimise your results through people:
Know what competencies you need and how to define positions and their accountabilities
Need overseas workers? Get your nomination process in order
Have policies in place to manage employment relationships
Know the difference between employees and independent contractors
Know what modern awards, if any, apply
Start the relationship with best-practice agreements
Negotiate and implement best practice collective arrangements if they suit your business, make and register a compliant enterprise agreement
Have the tools and skills to manage performance and performance issues
Understand remuneration and incentive and reward systems
Make sure you pay people properly
Understand your legal obligations, especially when ending the employment relationship

Risk management
& compliance
As the pugilistic philosopher, Mike Tyson, once said:
"Everybody has a plan until they get punched in the mouth."
Rely on Berriman Law & Advisory to prepare you and your business for unwanted events, to manage business risks properly and to be there when you need a helping hand.
Contract risk – do your contracts protect your interests?
Legal compliance risks – are you complying with all relevant laws, awards, agreements, work visas?
Privacy compliance and data breach risk – are your policies fit for purpose and practiced?
Contingent risks – have you anticipated and planned for contingent events?
WHS risks – are your work health & safety policies and practices up to scratch?

Workplace investigation & corrective action
Sometimes things go wrong despite your best efforts. If and when they do, rely upon Berriman Law & Advisory to respond in the most appropriate way with:
Thorough and objective investigations, reporting and advice (e.g. complaints of bullying, harassment or discrimination)
Compliance audits and advice
Advice in relation to poor performance, misconduct and terminations
Defence of unfair dismissal, unlawful termination and adverse action claims
Representation in Australian Border Force visa investigations and breach notices
Management of grievances and disputes
Managing workplace accidents and incidents, including WorkCover investigations and injured worker cases
Representation in mediation, arbitration and litigation
Interpreting contractual rights and obligations
Managing commercial disputes
Representation in mediation, arbitration and litigation
Preparing settlement agreements